5 Things That Will Happen When You Decide to Move Abroad {or at least Take an Extended Stay}

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Moving to a Spanish-speaking country is something that's been on my mind and in my heart for a very long time. Like, at least 18 good years. It's only very recently, the past few months really-- like 3, maybe 4-- that I decided that now might be a good time to make that move.

Nothing happened that forced me to this conclusion. No real life-changing, earth-shattering revelation propelling me into the unknown. Just a quiet little voice that said, 'you know, wouldn't it be nice if...' and just like that, the seed that I planted and only checked in on periodically to see if it was still there (and it always was) started to sprout. Finally.

There was no real struggle over the decision. I just opened my laptop and started researching which area(s) might provide me with the type of experiences that I wanted to have. I only identified a couple of parameters to help me narrow down my decision: I wanted good weather. No, scratch that. I wanted hot weather with maximum potential for melanin activation. And I knew I wanted to be near the ocean, and I absolutely had to have wifi. That's it. Hot, near the ocean, and wifi. This led me right to the Caribbean coast. Two places stood out on the map-- one being Puerto Morelo-- a small, sleepy, non-touristy beach town, and Playa del Carmen-- a faster-paced, more populated city that's big on wellness and-- near the beach.

Right now my plan is to divide my time between the two and see what feels the best and most right for me. And this is basically how the entire planning phase unfolded. I only did things like book my flight, make accommodations, reach out to connections, connect with groups on FB, look up transportation options, etc., etc. whenever I felt moved to. Again, nothing was forced or difficult. Like, at all. The last step for me was breaking the news to my poor, panic-y, worry weary mother. More on that in a future vlog.

So, with that said, let me give you what you came for: The 5 things that will happen when you decide to move abroad. Well, at least from my perspective:

1. You will be so excited. I mean, like surprise birthday party, a kid on Christmas, and 4th of July fireworks excited. Personally, I felt hot with anticipation because I only told a select few people. So all this time I felt like I had this big, juicy secret that I was holding onto-- like I'd just secretly eloped and the only other person in the world who know was my new, secret husband. I mostly kept this to myself because I wanted to iron out the details, but more than that, I wanted to protect my beautiful, budding seedling from any potential naysayers trampling all over my baby. This is important, so listen close. I've always been one to kinda do my own thing and not worry too much about the opinions from the peanut gallery. However, because these days I'm much more aware of how the transfer of energy works, I didn't want a bunch of random-a** Negative Nelsons and Nancys mucking up the energy field. So, I basically told next to no one. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Once you tell people, brace yourself for a thousand and one questions. Like, "Why are you doing this?" Isn't ___ dangerous." "Who are you going with?" "Do you know anyone there?" "Where are you going to live?" Why are you doing this, again?" 

While I think it's perfectly natural for people to be curious-- especially your loved ones. They love you, obvi. and want you to be safe. So, of course they're going to have questions. This is where having your plan comes in handy. It's super easy to control the narrative if you already have the answers. You're grown and you don't really have to answer to anyone, if you don't want to. But, if you're going to share your plan in the building stages, be prepared for questions, but also for #3. 

3. More than questions, what you really need to be prepared for is some people's, well-meaning, well-intentioned, but at the same time, disapproving eye-rolling and inability to relate to why you'd want to do something so "extreme," or whatever. Use your imagination to fill in the blank as to what your moms, pops, bestfriend, auntie, or whoever would say. I'm only alerting you to this possibility because for some of you this can be very discouraging. Even for the strongest-willed among us, it can stir in you a number of adverse feelings-- like someone taking a jab at your ability to make your own decisions. Or having some one cringe at your lofty dream-- something which absolutely makes you tingle with excitement every time you think about it. This can be annoying, and maybe even a little hurtful (especially if everyone you tell has a similar reaction). Don't let it. Your dreams are valid. And the people who love you (they really do) will just have to deal.

4. Your decision will definitely have an impact on your love and dating life. For better or worse, it's kind of a crap shoot. Let me share something uber-personal here: I met a guy who I really liked. He was handsome, kind, and so very easy to be around, that is until we abruptly stopped talking. So imagine my initial confusion (because things seemed to be going fairly well), anger (because, damn-- if I'd have known it was going to turn out like this, I'd have jetted weeks ago), then , finally, acceptance that this was not at all how I envisioned this thing going passed-- I thought to myself, you know this is something that was completely preventable on my behalf. You see, I was so excited about the prospect of getting to know someone new, that I changed the course of my trip. I was supposed to have already been out December 31st. I pushed my plans back 3 whole weeks because I wanted to spend more time getting to know this new person. Mistake. But nothing really is a mistake though, is it?

No, it's not. It was a lesson for me about allowing myself to become distracted and veering away from the path that I'd already determined before we even met. I had second thoughts about my travel plans and moved based on that rather than following my first instinct, which was to just go, and allow things to happen as they would have in my absence. As a result, those last 3 weeks up until it was time to go not only went by painfully slow-- not because of him, but because I was already supposed to be out of the line of fire in some ensuing drama that unfolded while I was biding my time, impatiently waiting for takeoff. To add further insult, it got cold and rainy af-- and that definitely pissed me off, because anyone who knows me, knows that I am allergic to the cold. Which is one of the reasons I'd chosen this specific season to move. To get some sun and to give winter my a** to kiss. But the point is, like I said before, dating while traveling is a crap shoot. I guess it doesn't hurt to try, but don't be too attached to any specific outcome. That's what I'm learning.  

5. There's this quote (and if you follow me on the 'Gram, you know how I love a good quote) that goes: "You know the future is really happening when you start feeling scared." And oh my God, do I feel terrified. But like, in a good way. I get chills every time I think about all of the newness that's about to go down. All I daydream about are tacos, margaritas, the sun, sand and the ocean. I literally cannot think about much else. So what my Spanish is sh*t. I'm a fast learner and I've taken Spanish classes since I was in the 7th grade. I don't really know-know anyone there except for the woman whose place I'm renting. That's okay too-- we've been in contact for months now, and all that means is that I'm about to meet so many new and fascinating people. All I know is there is an adventure on the horizon, and I'm ecstatic and terrified at the same damn time. This is okay, and natural-- I think. Whenever you're getting ready to make a significant change in life, you'll probably feel a little scared too. I won't say don't be-- what I will say is be to brave. I've found that most times fears are completely unfounded. But you'll never know that until you move past them. The brave push past fears to get sh*t done. And that's what I know it takes if you want to be a doer of things.

So, that's all for now, folks. If you liked this post, check out the vlog: Desire Mapping: Finding Freedom in Travel and Setting Intentions. Hit me up in the comments or on social if you have something to add to this list. See you in the sunshine!



How to Set Intentions in the New Year

The last days of 2016 were highly emotionally charged and I've been deep in my feelings doing a lot of self-reflecting. I had a huge blow out with someone I really respect. And a SUPER difficult time with someone I deeply love. There was shouting, cursing, harsh words, tears (theirs and mine), the whole shebang. I was challenged to show restraint {and #compassion} in a way that was both surprising and a little uncharacteristic of me. ESPECIALLY when I feel that my point is justified, or that I'm on the right side of the matter. Honestly, it caught me off guard-- both the situation and my reaction. There are two things that I'm normally good for: this attitude and these hands. Come at me sideways and you're bound to catch one. This sweet face & easygoing #spirit has been the source of plenty stunned faces & shattered #egos. But JUST a few nights ago I made a promise to myself to do my best to be led with a spirit of love in the new year. And the #universe was like, worrrrrd?!?! Let's see. 🤔 *Starts forest fire* 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Real life, I want to be transparent about this walk, and that it's not always incense and candlelight (another burn reference, lol). I'm #passionate af-- I get mad, I cuss, I lose my patience; hurt my feelings and I'll ignore a person from now until forever like they never existed (I'm working on this, ok dammit). In other words, I'm not immune to the #human condition of emotion. I've been burning a lot lately-- candles, sage, intentions, you name it. This week has been a win because I chose to stoke the fire, in spite of the burn. I chose forgiveness. I chose not to attack or defend. I chose to not to attach my self-worth to the opinions and angry words of others. In other words, I chose #love.

That's one of my main big intentions in 2017, to move with love in the things that I say and do and with how I react. Many of the things I want for myself aren't resolutions, in fact they're not even necessarily tangible goals. In addition to being more loving, I intend to do things, have experiences and live in a way that makes me feel more vivacious, secure, fully-realized and free. That's it, 5 guiding principles for my year. I go into detail here in this vlog about how I plan to cultivate more of these things in my life. But for now, let's start with how I prepare myself to set intentions and create space to receive.

Step 1: De-clutter

I've been making it a point to energetically and physically clear out the clutter in my space. I'm the type of person who functions best in an orderly environment so de-cluttering is a must anytime I get ready to take on something new. I start by giving away or getting rid of excess clothes from my closet, throwing away paper and magazines that I don't need and are taking up space, discarding mostly empty product bottles, etc. You can start by taking a look around your space and figuring out what needs to go. This is a great way to make room for that what you desire or need.

Step 2: Burn some sage

Sage is long known to help rid your space of any negative energy, so smudge away. Smudge your room, your creative space, smudge yourself. This will help you shed the negative.

Step 3:  Identify what your core needs and how you want to feel in your life at the moment.

I like to think of this as taking inventory and asking myself what would I like to experience more of on a day to day basis. I highly recommend The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte to help get this process started.  One thing she pointed out in the book was that once you get your core desires out, notice which ones are tied to longings that are predicated on the involvement of or attention from other people. Your core desires are about you. This work is for you, to be done by you, and there's nothing anyone can do for you or give you 100% of themselves 24/7 to substitute for your own love, respect, admiration-- whatever you identify as a core desire. It all starts with you first, and must be something that you can find a way to give to yourself if you are to truly be fulfilled.

Step 4: Meditate

Put the books down, drop everything and meditate. Give your developing intentions time to marinate. I like to take a couple of days between when I start writing things out so that I can come back to them and make addendums and edits to my initial reactions. I cannot over-state the benefits of a solid meditation practice on a day-to-day basis, not just when you are creating intentions. You may find that other feelings will start to surface and show themselves to you. These are signs from deep within that want to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Pay attention to them. See the post here for more on how to get started. Your mind and spirit will thank you.

Step 5: Write it down and burn it.

This is where a good journal or resource like desire mapping comes into play. I use(d) both, but I always go back to sticky notes that I put in places where I know I will be reminded. If you live alone post them in places that are visible to you. If you live with others and want this rev(Love)ution to take place quietly, do like I do and put the notes in private spaces, like your wallet or jewelry box or other spaces where others won't come across it. 

While I keep notes to myself around, when I first lay out what my intentions are, I initially burn them to purify my desires. You can also write special words on a candle and burn it. I'm a fire sign. And though I don't follow astrology, I wonder if maybe this has something to do with my obsession to burn things, like candles, even when I'm not intention setting. I just find fire-- whether it's in a fireplace or a bonfire really soothing, especially in the winter months.

So, that's pretty much my process. It's really based on focusing in on and clarifying how I want to feel, then distilling those feelings according to how my spirit leads and shows me where to focus in on. Let me know in the comments how you set your intentions for a successful, prosperous and spiritually fulfilling New Year.

Nail Jewelry for Any Occasion + How to Set Gel Polish Without a UV Light

So I was ecstatic when I finally placed an order for my first set (2 sets, actually) of nail jewelry from @AlleyCatJewelry. I got a sweet Black Friday deal and felt the holidays would be the perfect time to do something a little extra with my nails. and seeing as how my nails seem to refuse to grow out long these days, the extra ornamentation felt perfect for the holiday occasion. 

Personally, I do not like intricate nail designs when my nails are longer. Given that fact, I kinda wish I'd ordered more gold pieces, one for each nail, to really drive home the point that when one's nails are short, you can go extra opulent from a design aspect. Nevertheless, working with what I got, I think that I'll definitely be getting a lot of use from these reusable pieces.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

When prepping the nail to apply the jewelry using a base coat and at LEAST 2 coats of color polish is an absolute must if your nails are natural. I actually highly suggest more. You want to give the jewelry a nice cushion to settle into. Plus, you'll be thankful for the extra protection when it comest time to remove. I used my standard non-light cured (5 layer) gel polish method. It's really 6 layers if you count the top gel coat-- Gelous, which I typically add the second day. It sounds complicated, but it's really just a few thin coats of polish:

1st coat Gelous

2nd coat pretty color

3rd coat Gelous

4th coat pretty color*

5th coat Seche Vite topcoat

6th coat Gelous

I used Kiss nail glue to apply to the predominately dry *4th layer then sealed with the 5th layer of fast-drying Seche Vite. The top gel coat, mentioned previously, is applied the following day. I like to wait about 90 seconds or more between cot applications.

This method typically gives me at least 7-12 good days of polish wear-- especially if I've been careful to use gloves when cleaning and to touch up the tips when I notice the tips are wearing thin or very lightly chipped (which is what I did in this case). In fact, the photo above was taken on Christmas, day 8-- only 1 day prior to me removing my polish. I definitely could've stretched this at least until NYE had one of my designs not popped off somewhere along the way between me getting dressed, packing my dog in the car and then getting out of the the car in SF. 

After that, it was a wrap and I was super irritated that my precious had gone missing. Needless to say when I got home that evening I was all ready to rip each piece off, and actually snatched a bit of my nail bed off of one nail on the first try. Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! That is NOT what the girls want. So I jumped on IG to consult with the designer about the best method for removal. 

Ally was super-quick to respond that she carefully removes hers using tweezers. I proposed acetone, but knowing that it might cause a problem with the finish-- it was neither of our first choice solution. I did find out that the silver set is sterling, so it can withstand the acetone, if necessary. I ultimately went back to carefully and gently pull off each piece. Which, it turns out, works quite well when you take your time. Also, the previously mentioned extra layers of polish definitely helped.

Overall, I'm very pleased with the two sets I purchased, and will likely continue to add to my collection in the future. Hit me up in the comments or on IG with questions or if you decided to add nail jewelry to your nail art repertoire. Also, do you have suggestions for other brands that I should look into? We love to support our small businesses!


Luxe at L'Occitane

*While supplies last

*While supplies last

Continuing with the recent theme of self-care for the season, I had the opportunity to hang out at L'Occitane, Emeryville for a holiday Pamper Party hosted by my soul sistar and business bestie, Bijoux of Fabulous & Grounded

There was wine on deck, courtesy of Rosenblum Cellars and guests were treated to a complimentary Sleep Elixir tea blend from The Sassy Nation, mini facials and hand massages while learning about skincare. The staff in the store are super knowledgeable and help both men and women with varying skincare needs find customized regimens.

Fabulous & Grounded had some beautiful, dressed Oshun Winter Solstice candles and manifestation journals for sale, which you can purchase here. Check out the pics below, and be sure to stop by if you're ever on Bay Street. Ask for Gerald and tell him we sent you!   

{For a limited time, get a FREE Sleep Elixir tea pack when you subscribe to The Sassy Nation}

10 Ways to Lay Low and Boss Up This Winter



Winter and I have a love-hate relationship. I've only recently (literally the last 2-3 years) been able to reconcile my disdain for the cold. Instead of focusing on the chill in the air and my lack of motivation to go outside, I've found that the countless hours indoors make winter the perfect time to obsessively pour over new ideas and and set plans into motion for the next quarter. I don't mind spending 12 hours a day researching, designing, or creating new content-- because where am I going in the dead of winter at dark:30 anyhow? Usually no place-- that's where. 

A downside of all of that obsession is the occasional brain fog because of information or sensory overload. I know it's time to step away when my thoughts start to become scattered and I feel like I'm just working myself into a frenzy of circles. Here are a few things that I do to counterbalance myself when my obsessions start to take over my life, threaten my sanity and turn me into a moody, non-getting-dressed zombie. 

Plan for the Future

The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on all that you accomplished over the past year, and think about where you want to go in the coming months. The future comes one day at a time, so it's good to have an idea about where you're gonna be, and what you want or need to have accomplished in the next couple of days, weeks and months. Your plans can and often do change, but sketching it out makes for a good roadmap when things get twisted and turned around. I personally love a good checklist from day to day. For me, there's no better feeling than checking off accomplishments on a daily basis. It really helps me to put things into perspective when I'm down on myself about doing more or making "better progress" when I'm able to look back on week's worth of tasks and see that I made 20 steps (even if they're small ones) in the direction towards of the life of my dreams.

Do Something Creative

Whether you're grinding it out at a 9-5, working on building a brand, a business or launching a product, it's easy to start to get tunnel vision when working on a project that's super important to you. That's why giving yourself a break and taking time to do something fun, and non-work related can do wonders to recharge your batteries. Break out the paint, make some candles, take up knitting or whatever else you fancy. Any diversion from a non-stop grind can do wonders for your productivity when you feel like you've hit a wall.

Move That Body

I'm not the workout buff that I once was. However, I do recognize the need to workout the kinks that inevitably set in after hours typing and clicking away furiously at the computer. My preferred form of movement is yoga, and some times a fast dance break if I'm short on time. Crossfit may be your thing or maybe it's Tai Chi. Hey, do your thing. Exercise, in general is great for a good release of endorphins-- you know, the feel good hormone? And you'll probably find that your ability to focus will be way sharp when you make time to move that butt.

Treat Yo'self to a Spa Day

This is probably one of my favorite ways to rejuvenate my mind and body that's guaranteed to put me in a good frame of mind to go at my goals. A day at the spa is the ULTIMATE reset. I especially have a fondness for bathhouses where I can luxuriate for hours, and dip in and out of the sauna, or mineral bath between services. If I'm in my own city, the bathhouse is like a mini staycation (and don't let it be a 24 hour joint-- I'm setting up shop for the night). And anytime I go out of town I'm always checking for a place where I can go be naked (hopefully) and unwind.   

Create a Vision Board

Vision boards are for dreamers and doers like you! My personal love for vision boarding on Pinterest CANNOT be overstated. I used to create actual physical boards, but for me, Pinterest is like vision boarding on crack. I have a board dedicated to every thing that I consider important in life, from art to books to business to recipes to my future mommyhood plans. If you want to really know me and what life I'm about, the heart of The Sassy Nation is all up on Pinterest. For visual folks, like myself, vision boarding is a great outlet to project ones desires into the universe, then have a space to go revisit those dreams often.


Whether you read to learn something or for sheer pleasure, reading is something that you can do when you want to escape your life for 15 minutes or several hours at a time. I'll never forget the day I realized that I actually could read and understand concepts in the adult world and not just my little collection of See Jane Run books. My little 6 year old mind was blown and my long-term love affair with books (and great escapes) was set into motion. Books and I had some off seasons where I just neglected to make time for my love, but last year I set a goal for myself to read 1 book per month, which led to 1 book per week-- and just like that books and I were back in love again. Reading make travel through time and the minds of so many fascinating people and worlds completely possible. And because I don't finish books that don't hold my attention, I've haven't read anything that I've regretted in years. If something isn't jamming with me I simply put it down and move on to something else more deserving of my time and attention. 

Take an online class or tutorial

One of the great joys of the Internet world, to me, is the ability to learn online. Like, literally-- anything your want to access is there for your consumption and dendrite growing pleasure. I can spend hours on Youtube watching dope makeup tutorials, or learning how to operate my new camera. When I decided to get serious about building and customizing websites, I went right to an online learning platform, and in a couple of days I know how to set my joint up from scratch the way a web developer would do it. Online course content is a friend to the introverted nerd that is accessible right from the comfort of your own home. And you never know, you just might learn something that you can connect back to that project or life goal that you've committed yourself to.

Give Back

Sometimes we can get so busy working to make our lives better, it's easy to forget that connection with others outside of our immediate circle is a necessary, fulfilling part of life. It's good to get out of our little bubbles and do-good in the world. Whether you're doing mission work at your church, volunteering for a local organization or simply clearing out your closet to donate gently used items, giving to others feels amazing and takes the focus off of self and whatever you're currently wrapped up in. I used to play this game where I'd look for opportunities to pay kindness forward without ever mentioning it to others or expecting anything in return. I'd most often do stuff for strangers, and in secret whenever possible, because I knew there was very little chance that they could thank me or attempt to repay the gesture. I found that to be deeply satisfying knowing that I planted a seed of kindness and hopefully spread a little light into the world. 

Spend Time with Someone You Love

One of my favorite things to do is a bunch of nothing with friends. There's something about just being in close proximity of another person, the bestie or a lover, and just chillaxing. If you're at the house, naps are a perfectly acceptable way to bond-- wine and meaningful conversation is also encouraged. If I have to go out, a late brunch is a surefire way to lure me into the cold. Nothing says chill mode like syrupy waffles and mimosas with good company. Whatever you and your peeps like to do, doing it together makes things all the more better.

Pick up a hobby

Is there something that you used to love to do but don't make the time for anymore? A hobby can be a fun diversion from your everyday grind. Who says you're too old to play the clarinet? When did putting together model cars become unimportant to you? Hobbies are like playtime for adults. And exactly when is the last time you did something just for the fun of it? A hobby is just that-- something that you can, and should do for pure enjoyment, then just watch your mental roadblock when it comes to more serious tasks crumble away.  

Winter is the perfect time to lay low and get sh*t done. However, in order to sustain one's focus and work at a high-level, knowing how and when to lay low is essential to bossing up.