Sassy Hair Dilemma
What a difference a few layers seem to make. As natural with less density, I often toy with the idea of cutting layers into my curly locs to achieve the illusion of voluminosity (yes, i just made that up). However, the straight-haired natural in me begs to differ. In the event of a cut, she’d definitely prefer bangs.
I had layers in my relaxer days and found them to be hideously annoying while straight. Ironically, I often found myself wearing all types of curly set styles in an effort to hurry and grow them out. Even then I was unconsciously channeling my inner curl-power.
Cutting my hair will enable me to get rid of some residual heat damage. But dang it, my hair is now essentially all the same length, give or take an inch, an I’d like it to stay that way. It’s always been my plan to grow my hair to my targeted length (10 more inches = approx. 2.5 years) then cut away at the ends monthly.
Wait. Is this what is known as the BC itch? Even though I know it will grow back in beautifully, I’m torn b/c I. HATE. Layers. Although I LOVE my curls I feel like this style will perpetually hold me hostage to them b/c I won’t want to see my hair straightened. Ever.
*Sigh* What’s a curl to do?
In the meantime, I’ll just occupy myself with some pics of other naturals with “fine” strands who have layered & lived successfully.
~Sassy Tea
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