Day 3:
So today is Day 3 of my participation in the fitfluential 30-Day Eat Clean Challenge. I am happy to announce that FitFluential recently selected me as a brand ambassador for the next year. Since this is my first time working with the brand, I’ll be sharing some of my small victories here and on social media over the course of the challenge. I have a goal of drinking at least one green drink, whether that be a juice, a smoothie, or my chlorophyll water everyday. Additionally, I will make an effort to cut back on seafood and make more plant-based food choices. And… I’m definitely planning to venture outside my comfort zone with my vegetables this month. So when I saw red spinach at my local Trader Joes I said, let me give it a try since I love me some greens!
I’ll admit the red spinach was a little different and more rustic than I’m used to. I love my green spinach raw or barely wilted. I didn’t really enjoy the red spinach raw, but in a spicy pepper jack grilled cheese– ahh-mazing! And here’s one happy surprise that happened to my lunch… the red spinach turned my pasta into a really pretty pink! How cool is that? I’m a nerd, don’t judge me. It get my kicks where I can.
Anyhoo, follow me on social to for real time updates on the 30-Day Challenge. See you around!
@TheSassynation Twitter